Language: English
Duration: 29 Hrs 20 Min
Place: USA
Year: June 2011
A complete explanation about Ayurveda:
* Basic introduction to Ayurveda
* Definition of Ayurveda and health
* Basic principles of Ayurveda
* Manifestation of prakrti
* Tridosa principle
* Physical constitution and three gunas
* Relation of health and mind to gunas and dosas
* Ayurvedic physiology
* Nadis, prana and jatharagni
* The role of ama in causation of diseases and basic diagnosis as through puls diagnosis or Jyotisa
* Nutrition importance of six tastes and guidelines for eating
* Characteristics of six tastes
* Puls diagnosis, four cycles in Ayurveda and seasonal routine
* Daily routine
* Celibacy, pregnancy and giving birth
* The concept of panca-nidhana as cause of diseases and a discussion about love
* Further causes of diseases according to Caraka and the role of spirituality in healing
* Therapies in Ayurveda
* Ayurvedic rasayanas
There are two solutions to material attachment (raga) and hatred (dvesha). Either consider the world as imaginary like a dream or know it to be manifestation of Krishna’s energy. The first is the advaitic view and is not very practical. for inquiries about Jiva Institute and guesthouse bookings
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