
Shastra Charcha-Part 5

SKU 00085
₹1 234.80
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The item contains recordings of informal meetings between Babaji and his students and guests at Jiva Vrindavan.

These meetings took place during the previous Bhakti Ratna semester from January through March 2023. After the morning kirtan devotees would gather around Babaji and ask questions on a variety of śastric and devotional subjects and pose practical day-to-day queries. Thus the name śāstra-charcha — discussion on śāstra, mostly scriptures relevant to Gaudiya Vaishnavism. In between Babaji also reads from the book Chitta-vinodini, “a collection of ślokas that entertain the heart.“

Part 5 covers recording of meetings between February 28–March 18, 2023. It consist of 10 recordings (~6h) and a detailed content description.

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    Satyanarayana Dasa
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    If you want to change samskaras, you have to do the opposite of it repeatedly, regularly, consciously…right now your mind is wild and your chitta keeps on throwing up thoughts and desires and you act on it. You have to use your buddhi to be aware of every thought you are having and ask yourself, where is this thought, feeling, behavior taking me? …If your understanding is improper, then your actions will be improper.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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