
eBook: Pearls of Wisdom: Questions and Answers with Sri Satyanarayana Dasa

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Ignorance is like a universal congenital disease. We all born with it. It eclipses our discernment, interferes in our decision making, and thus renders us ineffective in achieving our cherished goals of peace and happiness. Therefore, ignorance is the true root of suffering.

Questions are like medicine for ignorance.
This book is a collection of questions commonly asked by those on the path of bhakti. We hope the replies in this book will shed light on the most important topics and be instrumental in achieving our goal of love for Śri Kr̥ṣṇa.

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  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
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    You don’t want to listen. You want to blame. You have to be responsible for yourself. Otherwise, you just keep on blaming others. You are responsible for your actions, and the reactions that come from that. You can blame others – that gives mental satisfaction. But that does not solve your problem.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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