
AUDIO - Ayurveda Important Basic Points

₹3 625.16
Product Details

Language: English

Place: USA - New Brunswick - Rutgers

Year: June/July 2010

Duration: 25 Hrs 40 Min


* Basic principles of Ayurveda

* Creation of prakrti and ways of attaining knowledge

* Characteristics and divisions of dosas and subtle body

* Three gunas and defining ama

* Diagnosis and importance of six tastes in nutrition

* How the life style influences the dosas

* Relation of health to daily routine

* Mind in manifestation and treatment of diseases

* Detoxification and elimination therapies

* The concept of rejuvenation in Ayurveda

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AUDIO - Ayurveda Important Basic Points
  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
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    Once you get the taste of Bhagavatam, then you will not like your novels or some internet blogs. Drink this rasa of Bhagavatam. Bhagavatam may look like stories but actually it has a very special rasa to it – a juice that you can drink through the ears. And that you can go on drinking. That has no limit. Ears can hold an unlimited amount of rasa. Go on drinking until you die or until you fall into ecstasy. Go on drinking.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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