
Feminine Spirituality: The Life Coach Certification (e-Course)

₹24 634.61
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Become a teacher and certified Life Coach for Feminine Spirituality. In order to receive a certificate, students are requested to make a presentation on Feminine Spirituality and present a case study based on the two e-courses: "Journey to Your Inner Self" and "From Taj to Vraj."

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  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
  • Daily Bhakti Byte

    In the material world people are impressed by the externals, such as appearance, possessions or external behavior. But, in spiritual life it is the internal mood, the bhava, that matters. Krishna rejected the big feast of Duryodhana arranged in his palace. Instead, He ate at Vidura’s house because Vidura’s meal, although simple, was served with love and affection.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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